Select the letters of a word and double click the last letter to enter it. You can only use a letter once in a word. If the word is valid it will be eliminated from the game board and the board will shrink. The goal is to eliminate the spiral in the least number of moves. The number of valid and invalid words is displayed along with what percentage of the game board you have eliminated. A game score will tell you how well you are doing compared to the maximum possible score of 100%.
The Alternate scoring system uses Scrabble points and a bonus for words of 6 or more letters. Challenge Mode uses the point scoring system to find the player who find the word list with the highest score.
NOTE: WordSpiral has engaging music and sounds. If you do not hear them check your volume controls as well as the Ringer button on phones which can be set to mute audio.
4-Minute Game Play Video
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